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Folsom Hall 2604

Room Type: Classic Lecture
University Classroom Designation: Lecture
Capacity: 48
Department: Interdisciplinary
Last Updated: 2020-01-15

Have questions? Call (916)278-7337 option 1

For faculty hoping to maintaining focus and attention at the front of the room this traditional lecture styled classroom is perfect. Whether the instructor uses the display technology, the board at the front of the room or no visual aids, all eyes will be focused forward.
  • You can use one of two different laptop connections in the classroom to show your laptop or device on the in-room display. The room comes equipped with USB-C (blue collar) and HDMI (red collar) cables.
  • There is a school provided computer at the instructors station that is available for you to use. Simply sign in with your SacState ID and password and gain access to your U Drive and campus network and resources.

  • Computer
  • Document Camera
  • Laptop Connection
  • Mic System
  • Speakers
  • TV
  • Touch Panel
  • Web Cam
  • Wireless Mic Handheld
  • Wireless Mic Lapel
  • Carpet, No Windows, Tablet Armchairs, Whiteboard
Laptop Connection Types:
  • HDMI
  • USB-C

Podium Touch Panel Instructions

Below are links to instructions for the podium touch panel in this classroom. Please note that the inputs listed in the instructions may not be accurate to the inputs in this room, the inputs for this room can be seen above among the features.

Instructional PDF

Please contact Space Management at or 916-278-6507 directly for all classroom reservation questions. You can also find information on the Space Management website at Link to Space Management's website